viernes, 4 de octubre de 2019


1.      Dinosour extinction

2.      Amelia Earhart?
3.      Who was Jack the Ripper?
4.      Where is Cleopatra's tomb?
5.      The Bermuda triangle
6.      The Egypt piramids
7.      Who killed JFK?
8.      What's the fate of the Ark of the Covenant?
9.      Were the Hanging Gardens of Babylon real?
10.  Is there a City of Atlantis?
11.  Stonehenge
12.  Nazca figures.

 Presentation Rubric

Pronunciation (What was understood)
The teacher could not understand anything.
The teacher could understand one or two words, but not enough to follow.
The teacher could understand some words.
The teacher could understand most of the words.
The teacher could understand everything.
Student did not stay within the time frame.
Student stayed within the time frame.
Key Phrases/ Vocabulary
Student did not use any key phrases or vocabulary.
Student used one or two key phrases or vocabulary.
Student used some key phrases or vocabulary.
Student used most key phrases or vocabulary.
Student used all key phrases or vocabulary.
Presentation Appearance
No presentation.
The presentation did not have visuals or related information.
The presentation was basic and okay. It had some visuals, but not much effort was used.
Student used a presentation (ppt/ prezi/ poster…) with visuals to present and was well done.
Student used technology (powerpoint/ prezi/ Poster…) to present. It is organized and easy to understand with pictures or visuals. It is clear that a lot of effort was put into it.  
Student read directly from notes and did not prepare at all.
Student did not memorize information and did not prepare much/at all.
Student had about half of the information memorized and appeared to have prepared a little.
Student had most information memorized and it was clear that they had prepared.
Student had all information memorized and practiced flow and expression while presenting.

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